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  • Writer's pictureTellius Inc

Tellius Utilizes Snowflake Analytics Platform to Power Interactive Exploration

Tellius leverages Snowflake’s cloud data platform for interactive exploration and analytics, pushing down in-database queries without moving data out of Snowflake Analytics, and surfacing insights faster than relying on manual analysis techniques.

Tellius conveys AI-Driven Analytics and Guided Insights with a comparative level of flexibility, versatility, and versatility introduced by Snowflake. Our neighborhood cloud, appropriated plan infers that we can normally add and clinician resources on-demand established on current obligations, with zero client support.

Tellius gives the full continuum of assessment, from indisputable, diagnostics, perceptive, and prescriptive. With AI models from Tellius Guided Insights and AutoML that can score or name records and make conjectures, invigorated client or trade records can be formed back to Snowflake to take action considering as of late found pieces of information.

Automated time of encounters run clearly inside Snowflake to recognize design drivers, break down partners, and spot eccentricities by evaluating each blend of significant snippets of data. With Java UDFs, clients can bring Java limits they manufactured using Tellius changes and execute them locally inside Snowflake's Data Cloud.

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