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Retaining customers through AI-based Marketing

AI-driven marketing uses artificial intelligence to make automated decisions based on data collection, AI Data Analytics, and observation of economic trends that can impact marketing campaigns. By collecting customer data across all channels of a brand, analysing that data, and using machine learning for continuous improvement, AI can use predictive analytics to determine the best course of action. next to present to the client, in real time.

These actions can be a targeted email with personalised product recommendations, a presentation of a website where customers see products they might be interested in based on browsing history and their past purchases, a chat conversation that includes shipping information for a customer purchased product, or other personalised interactions.

Marketers are beginning to realise that the success of their marketing campaigns depends heavily on their ability to accurately predict customer behaviour. By analysing historical social media data, news, purchase history, comments, searches, and reviews, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications can more accurately predict trends and consumer spending behaviour. “Using AI marketing allows businesses to predict customer behaviour even before patterns appear, allowing them to deliver exactly the right thing at the right time. Of course, you need to make sure you're collecting the right data, but AI technology can predict and predict consumer trends in ways that can dramatically increase the success of campaigns. marketing,"

One of the biggest challenges facing brands today is that they are buried in data from a variety of channels, including mobile apps, mobile browsing and shopping, website, physical storefront, customer service requests, chat transcripts, email, mobile voice. calls, search history, etc. Consolidating and updating all this data would be impossible without the use of AI. “Marketing automation is a new trend in the business world that has proven helpful in building Customer Retention.”

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